We were exhausted. All the changes we had to make, the tasks we had to do, and our ever worsening PTSD were taking a serious toll on us. All this was compounded by things still happening to us. We struggled nearly daily just to keep moving forward. We leaned on each other for strength and the will to continue the fight.
I was going to clean everything in the house with hot salt water as Amy had instructed us to do. I waited until everyone was out of the house just in case things turned ugly and violent. If anything was to happen, I didn't want my family here. I was willing to take the brunt of anything that decided to fight back. Not going to lie either, I was scared however I pushed through it. I wanted this to be over; to get our lives back and to become a loving family again.
I played the Reiki music as I started on the west side of the house. My plan was to move toward the room on the southeast side of the house; Heidi's room. We always felt that was the room where everything originated. I approached it as if I was sweeping up a mess on the floor. I would just sweep everything into a pile into that room and then toss it back to the hell from which it came. Not a bad plan I thought but someone had other things in mind.
I filled a bucket with hot salt water. I made it hot enough to last me a while as I wanted to do the cleaning as quickly as possible. I didn't want to leave any window of opportunity open for anything to take control of me. As I started to clean the walls, I silently said a prayer. I prayed for help, guidance, and strength. As I went to dip the sponge back into the bucket, the water had turned ice cold. What the hell, I had just filled it up with nearly scolding hot water! Just as finished that thought, I heard a little giggle. It was the laughter of a little girl.
"I guess you turned my water cold?", I said out loud. "That wasn't very nice and I don't want you to do it again."
I dumped the water down the drain and started to fill the bucket back up with hot water & salt.
"Don't do touch my water this time. leave it alone." I yelled as I pulled the bucket out of the sink.
Shortly after saying that I heard running footsteps through heading toward the back of the house. I guessed I made my point and went back to cleaning. I worked quickly. Through the mudroom into the living room. Then through the dining room, kitchen, and open bedroom. I cleaned the front door, the foyer. I was finally to the hallway about to make my way to the bedrooms. I started in Emi's room, then into Chloe's room. As I stood in front of Heidi's bedroom door, I paused. Somehow in my mind, I knew this wasn't going to be easy. I reached for the door knob and turned it but I couldn't open the door. I pushed on it as hard as I could, putting my entire weight into it. Still I couldn't open it.
I was scared and needed to regroup. I was overcome with a sudden feeling of sadness and despair. I walked away from the door and started to gain my composure. I quickly thought that I needed fresh water. Hotter water, as hot as I could stand to touch. I dumped out the water and filled it up back up with hot water and salt. I added extra salt for good measure.
"Here I come!", I yelled from the kitchen. "I'm coming in and you can't stop me. I'm stronger than you'll ever be!", I yelled as I made way to Heidi's bedroom door.
Before I could reach for the door knob, it opened slightly on it's own. I pushed it open all the way with my foot and it slammed up against the wall. The room was freezing. The room had always felt cold in the past but this time it felt as if someone had left a window open during a snowstorm. I started cleaning with purpose. I cleaned the door first. I thought whatever was in this room, it was now locked in here and if it wanted out it would have to through me. I didn't talk and I didn't respond as I heard a man's voice sadly whisper, "why?"
I finished the room and stood at the doorway. I didn't speak. I felt I had nothing more to say to anything that was in this room. I decided that my next course of action would be to dump the remaining hot salt water around the perimeter of the house. I thought maybe it would keep anything else from coming inside and reeking havoc.
I went back inside and lite frankincense and myrrh incense in every room in the house. As I lite the last one, I could hear crying. It was a crying like someone had just heard some devastating news.
As I waived the smoke from the incense around I said, "Cry all you want. Cry day and night if it helps. I'm punching your ticket to the after life and soon I'll be putting on the train to wherever that is going to be for you. The Reiki's coming and your time is nearly up."
For the first time in a long time, I finally felt strong and in control.
This is our ghost story from the beginning to where we are now. Thanks to help of Amy Allan and Steve DiSchiavi, along with the rest of The Dead Files, we are able to live a somewhat normal life.
Sunday, November 25, 2018
Friday, November 2, 2018
Pack your bags, it's almost time to go!
We had been doing everything the Reiki asked of us The house felt so much calmer; safer as well. It felt like a warm sunny spring day after a long and harsh winter. It was as if everything was waking up after hibernating. The attitude of everyone was improving as well. We were starting to feel more in control of our surroundings. The screams of the crazy woman were less frequent. When she did scream, they were different in tone and feel. It was as if she was being to fade.
On the other side of the coin was the hat man. He wasn't as affected by all the prep work we were doing for the Reiki's upcoming visit. We could still hear him walking through the house. Doors still open and shut on their own. The smell of tobacco smoke could still be smelt at times. His presence could still be felt but it was as if he was being patient with us.
Jennifer had taken to talking to him. She would use a calming tone and was very careful; choosing her words wisely. She made sure not to talk down to him or say anything she felt would antagonize him.
"We really don't mind you being here as long as you don't hurt anyone", she said to him on nearly a daily basis. "You're not trapped here and you're welcome to leave anytime you wish", she would add.
She explained to him we weren't to blame for why he was in our house. "You know, it wasn't us that brought you here. It wasn't our wish to harm you in any way or make you feel as if you're a prisoner here. I know you were very angry about what happened, we were too, but it wasn't us. We respect you would do anything to harm you. We hope you understand. We also don't want you to be angry or plot against those who put you here. They were inexperienced and didn't know that their actions would cause you harm. We ask that you hold no ill-will towards them and leave them in peace."
In a stern yet motherly voice she told him, "You're welcome to stay on our land but when you leave the house, you cannot come back inside. Regardless of who says you can, you cannot come inside. I'm not trying to be mean, we have children and we want to make they're safe and feel safe."
I honesty feel that Jennifer talking to him saved us from further harm. We knew that having Amy come into our home caused quite an upheaval with the dead. It was as if there was chaos in front our house most of the time as we could feel the confusion among them. I believe that by Jennifer talking to him, keeping him calm, helped us. I feel that he respected her and may have took it upon himself to keep certain things at bay. Even though I have nothing to prove that it certainly felt that way.
We continue our prep work as it had become a daily ritual of sorts. Blessing, praying, burning the incense, etc. All of it had now had become a habit; something that we would do without thinking.
We were still waiting for a calm day but we live in the Midwest and calm days in early summer can be somewhat difficult to come by. It seemed that every single day there was a threat of severe weather.
We had become hyper-sensitive to anything happening. Paranoid thinking that everything negative was the result of some sort of paranormal activity. The PTSD we had as a result of everything was taking it's toll on us.
Jennifer and I had to be strong. We needed to take charge and push through this even though we were exhausted. Although we felt better, we still weren't a 100%. This had truly kicked our asses. We had to get up off the floor and fight. We had to get ready for the battles and recovery ahead of us. It was time to pack Etta's (the crazy woman) bags, roll up the Hat Man's bedding and tack up his horse because it was almost time for them to go.
We needed to do a better job at protecting ourselves from those who wanted to invade from the path of dead in front of house. That scared me because who's to say that some dead person walking along that path wouldn't be more terrorizing than what we already had? How do I stop that from happening?
We were so anxious to put this all behind us. We just wanted our lives back and to be a normal family. Little did me know that would be more difficult than what we thought.
On the other side of the coin was the hat man. He wasn't as affected by all the prep work we were doing for the Reiki's upcoming visit. We could still hear him walking through the house. Doors still open and shut on their own. The smell of tobacco smoke could still be smelt at times. His presence could still be felt but it was as if he was being patient with us.
Jennifer had taken to talking to him. She would use a calming tone and was very careful; choosing her words wisely. She made sure not to talk down to him or say anything she felt would antagonize him.
"We really don't mind you being here as long as you don't hurt anyone", she said to him on nearly a daily basis. "You're not trapped here and you're welcome to leave anytime you wish", she would add.
She explained to him we weren't to blame for why he was in our house. "You know, it wasn't us that brought you here. It wasn't our wish to harm you in any way or make you feel as if you're a prisoner here. I know you were very angry about what happened, we were too, but it wasn't us. We respect you would do anything to harm you. We hope you understand. We also don't want you to be angry or plot against those who put you here. They were inexperienced and didn't know that their actions would cause you harm. We ask that you hold no ill-will towards them and leave them in peace."
In a stern yet motherly voice she told him, "You're welcome to stay on our land but when you leave the house, you cannot come back inside. Regardless of who says you can, you cannot come inside. I'm not trying to be mean, we have children and we want to make they're safe and feel safe."
I honesty feel that Jennifer talking to him saved us from further harm. We knew that having Amy come into our home caused quite an upheaval with the dead. It was as if there was chaos in front our house most of the time as we could feel the confusion among them. I believe that by Jennifer talking to him, keeping him calm, helped us. I feel that he respected her and may have took it upon himself to keep certain things at bay. Even though I have nothing to prove that it certainly felt that way.
We continue our prep work as it had become a daily ritual of sorts. Blessing, praying, burning the incense, etc. All of it had now had become a habit; something that we would do without thinking.
We were still waiting for a calm day but we live in the Midwest and calm days in early summer can be somewhat difficult to come by. It seemed that every single day there was a threat of severe weather.
We had become hyper-sensitive to anything happening. Paranoid thinking that everything negative was the result of some sort of paranormal activity. The PTSD we had as a result of everything was taking it's toll on us.
Jennifer and I had to be strong. We needed to take charge and push through this even though we were exhausted. Although we felt better, we still weren't a 100%. This had truly kicked our asses. We had to get up off the floor and fight. We had to get ready for the battles and recovery ahead of us. It was time to pack Etta's (the crazy woman) bags, roll up the Hat Man's bedding and tack up his horse because it was almost time for them to go.
We needed to do a better job at protecting ourselves from those who wanted to invade from the path of dead in front of house. That scared me because who's to say that some dead person walking along that path wouldn't be more terrorizing than what we already had? How do I stop that from happening?
We were so anxious to put this all behind us. We just wanted our lives back and to be a normal family. Little did me know that would be more difficult than what we thought.
Sunday, August 26, 2018
Let's Get This Party Started!
We hadn't found a Reiki and we were starting to get desperate. Unfortunately we had no where to turn. It's not like you go to the Reiki section of your local store and pick one up.
Since we hadn't heard from the Reiki that Amy recommend, I decided to reach out to her to see if she could help. I sent her a very brief message on Twitter, although I knew the odds of her seeing it were slim. I sent another message to her via our producer at Painless Productions. Like I said, I kept the message brief and simple.
Since we hadn't heard from the Reiki that Amy recommend, I decided to reach out to her to see if she could help. I sent her a very brief message on Twitter, although I knew the odds of her seeing it were slim. I sent another message to her via our producer at Painless Productions. Like I said, I kept the message brief and simple.
Hi Amy,
I hope you remember us. We were the family in Kearney MO from this past May. We having a difficult time finding a Reiki and haven't heard back from the one you recommend. We're very scared for Heidi and need help. Can you recommend someone else or point us in a different direction.
Thank you so much for what you've done for us.
Within a couple of days, the original Reiki that Amy recommend called back! She was very apologetic about not getting back to us sooner as prior commitments kept her away. She was somewhat familiar with our situation as Amy had given her some of basic information about us along with her instructions to get our lives back.
The first step was to asking us about our experiences since the reveal. She wanted to know if it had gotten better, worse, and was the same. She wanted to know as much about Heidi as possible as she was thee number one priority. She wanted to start working on Heidi right away.
We told the Reiki about our visit to Aquarius and she was excited that we were proactive and took steps. She was also familiar with the people at Aquarius and was happy that they took the proper and correct steps to help us. That comment alone really helped give us a bit more peace of mind. Considering everything we had been through over the past 8 years, it was comforting to know that we were finally getting the upper hand.
The primary attention was on the crazy woman, we had to cut the ties she had with Heidi and get rid of her. The Reiki wanted to weaken her as much as possible before she came out to our house. Everything needed to be planned with a high level of attention to detail because one wrong step, could cash her to lash out at us with more power.
The steps to accomplishing this were simple but the mental strength in doing so was very hard. We had become so weak and tired despite gaining control but the fact that we were so close gave us the strength to push forward. Besides, we had to protect and save our child.
The Reiki laid out a plan.
-Continue to burn the Frankincense and myrrh every day.
-Play calming Reiki music continuously.
-Speak with confidence and tell everyone there that this is our house. It belongs to us.
-Pray using the book of Psalms we had gotten from Aquarius.
-Never leave anyone alone in the house
-The Reiki would start working on Heidi's situation prior to coming out. Focusing her energy on Heidi.
-Plan a time when the weather is clear and calm for her to come out and severe the ties.
I could feel the crazy woman start to weaken. Her voice was now nothing more than a weak whisper and her screams had stopped. I could tell she was starting to feel the effects of everything going on around her.
"I am tired my love. I am lost and scared. I am unsure of what is happening." She whispered one morning. The tone of her voice was heartbreaking. Despite all that she had done, I couldn't help to feel some empathy for her.
"It will be over soon, we're going to help you but you have to trust us that we are going to do the right thing." I whispered back to her.
Even though the crazy woman was starting to lose her grip on Heidi and her control of us, it didn't stop the others. Doors would still open and slam shut, heavy footsteps could still be heard in the house. We heard children laughing as if they were playing. Maya was still on edge at certain times and was mindful of were I was at all times.
The spoon continued it's journeys, disappearing and then flying through the house as it returned. However, we could feel the house starting to feel lighter and brighter. We were also starting to feel better and stronger.
The Reiki told us that we need to be stronger before she came out because if we were weak, we would lose. She understood that despite the crazy woman weakening and coming to terms it would still be difficult to move her on.
As Amy had said during our reveal,
"She's not going to really want to go."
...and she didn't either.
Monday, July 23, 2018
Paranormal Prowlers: I'm Always With You: Guest Blogger Tessa Mauro
One of the first radio interviews we did was with Tessa Mauro of Paranormal Prowlers. It was a wonderful experience as she is an outstanding journalist. Afterwards, we became fast friends! Not only is Tessa an accomplished paranormal investigator but also a gifted author. Her new book, Paranormal Prowlers: I'm Always With You, was recently published and is available on Amazon. You can find Tessa on Facebook, Twitter, and on Paranormal Prowlers Group Page. We're thrilled that Tessa has decided to become a guest blogger on our blog!
Thank you!
Lance and Jennifer
Paranormal Prowlers: I'm Always With You.
Being a paranormal investigator, I have gathered quite the plethora of evidence through out the years. I have had full on conversations with spirits, I've caught everything on recording from disembodied footsteps to growls, weeping, shrieking, and more. There is never a dull moment when it comes to the paranormal world. Even before I started investigating (several years ago) I have had encounters and experiences with the paranormal. I have truly believed since day one. My mom shared with me that as a child, no older then two, we would be driving some where and we would pass a graveyard or a cemetery, and in the back I would be screaming in my car seat, "Mommy! Grave yard! Grave yard! Me GO!! Me WALK!!" It baffled her how her two year old toddler could even know what a grave yard was! I've always had love and respect for the deceased, and every thing about it.
Thank you!
Lance and Jennifer
Paranormal Prowlers: I'm Always With You.
Being a paranormal investigator, I have gathered quite the plethora of evidence through out the years. I have had full on conversations with spirits, I've caught everything on recording from disembodied footsteps to growls, weeping, shrieking, and more. There is never a dull moment when it comes to the paranormal world. Even before I started investigating (several years ago) I have had encounters and experiences with the paranormal. I have truly believed since day one. My mom shared with me that as a child, no older then two, we would be driving some where and we would pass a graveyard or a cemetery, and in the back I would be screaming in my car seat, "Mommy! Grave yard! Grave yard! Me GO!! Me WALK!!" It baffled her how her two year old toddler could even know what a grave yard was! I've always had love and respect for the deceased, and every thing about it.
In addition to being a paranormal investigator, I am also a Sensitive. There are times during investigations that I hear the spirits without having to use my tools. It's like they are whispering in my ear, now of course I always have my recorder running, and it just validates it for me. Yes I heard this man speaking in my ear, no one else heard it, then later I hear it on the recorder. Amazing. I also from time to time get phantom smells. This hits me like a ton of bricks. No one else smells it, just me. Mind you this is a overwhelming scent. It's not like a hint of a smell, it's more like invading your space and nostrils type of smell. At times it's a strong cedar type scent, usually the smell is a nice one, but when it's over powering, I get a headache. Sometimes I will smell my dear Grandma's baking. God, I miss her so much, and her baking...she was phenomenal in the kitchen, and even as she grew older, she would make at least ten different types of sweets for the holidays. She was a wizard in the kitchen.
There was one time, after my Grandma passed on, I was at her condo, it was a day or so before her funeral and I was staying there making a board filled with her pictures to present at the funeral. That whole day I felt uneasy...I worked into the night and passed out on her couch. I woke up a couple times to hear whispering down the hall. I get up, turn on all the lights, double check every room, door and window, each room is empty and every window and door was secure and locked. I turn off the lights and go back to sleep. Well an unknown amount of time later, I awaken to hear whispering again. I look around and in the kitchen (which is right near the living room where I was at) I see a light on. This light is like a lantern attached to the wall, which is located by my Grandma's room.
She left this light on every night because she often would come out to get a drink of water. I know for a fact that I turned that light off earlier, the last time I was awake. Not only was this light on, but I happen to see a figure standing there by the light. Just a few feet away from where this figure is standing, is a door that leads to her backyard, there are two small steps. One she miscalculated and ended up falling, in which resulted in her untimely death. I feel that was my Grandma. I was very close to her and when she died I dived deep into depression. We lose ones we love, some are old and some are young, I was lucky to have my Grandma in my life for as long as I did, but it still shocked the hell out of me when she died. On occasion she stops by and says hello with a ever so sweet scent, thick in the air.
There are others that I miss that let me know they are around. One happens to be one of my former best friends. Yes former. We hadn't spoken in probably 7 or so years prior to his passing. But when we were friends, we were the best of friends and were always together, it was a group of us really. In death we are much closer then the last years of his life here on Earth. He has come to me through several mediums, one even telling me his name, tattoos and more. He has come through via the Ouija board and on occasion he is caught on recorder via EVP sessions at random locations. I feel him around me all the time. It's a comforting feeling, knowing you are being looked after.
Through out the years I have investigated jails, asylums, brothels, hospitals, hotels, mines, cemeteries and so much more. I have traveled and investigated in several states such as Kentucky, Arizona, Alabama, Colorado, North Carolina and many more. I have had so many phenomenal experiences, encounters, and investigations that I decided to write a book about some of it. This book is my baby, and I am very proud of it. Paranormal Prowlers: I'm Always With You was just recently released. The ebook on June 30th, and the paperback on July 15th. Both available through Amazon. If you are interested in a signed copy and a bookmark, please order directly through me (paranormal_prowlers@aol.com) or message me through Facebook (Paranormal Prowlers)
Thank you Lance for this awesome opportunity! For those who want to hear Lance and Jennifer on my radio show let me know and I will send you their link!
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"Paranormal Prowlers: I'm Always With You" by Tessa Mauro |
Monday, July 16, 2018
The Reluctant Spirit: Kevin Platte Guest Blogger
Hello all,
This is the second installment in our guest blogger series. It's also Kevin Platte's second guest blog entry. Kevin is a psychic medium based out of Washington DC. You can follow Kevin on his Facebook page, Kevin Paul Psychic Medium and read his blog, If you're interest in sharing your story as a guest blogger, click here.
We are continuing to work on the blog entries of the aftermath and the actions we took to get our lives back. A new entry from us will be posted soon. Stay tuned!
Thank you all for your continue love and support.
Lance and Jennifer
The Reluctant Spirit
Greetings. I’m Kevin
Paul a psychic and medium in Washington, DC. I investigate locations using
my medium abilities to evaluate what spirits and energies are present and come
up with a plan for cleansing them. I use my psychic skills to do personal
readings for the living. Below is one of the investigations I did last
year. It was quite the adventure and I hope you enjoy it.
In June 2017 while
having coffee with my good friend Fadi at his bakery called The Cakeroom
in Washington DC, he announced that he had found the most amazing, newly
renovated apartment which he could finally walk to work and live in a great
neighborhood. I was excited for him and ask him where this apartment was
located. He looked out of his store front window and pointed to an
apartment building within eyesight of his bakery. As soon as I saw the building,
I just felt that his apartment was already occupied ... not with the living but
with a female spirit, and so I told Fadi this immediately. I also added
that I felt that it had to be cleansed before he moved in since I knew Fadi
would be sensitive and adversely affected by the negative or unsettled energy
currently in that space. I hadn't even seen his apartment yet, but I
just knew that there was some work that needed to be done to evict the current
"occupant" before he took possession and seal it to keep other spirits
out. Fadi looked concerned and invited me to walk over later that day
with him to check it out.
Once we arrived,
Fadi had to get the building supervisor to let us into the vacant apartment.
That took a lot of coordination and waiting but we finally got in.
The apartment was an amazing space with 2 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, lots of
windows and a back deck. It was newly painted, clean and ready for
someone to move in. It looked beautiful and was a great fit for Fadi.
But to me, I felt a little uncomfortable with the energy of the space.
I didn't do an "opening' to tap into or evaluate the energy there
since we were just doing a quick peek and walk through. An opening means
that I would do a quick meditation to open myself up to receiving information
and evaluating the energy of the house. We took 10 minutes to walk around
and see all the rooms and look out all the windows. Fadi was so excited,
but I was a little concerned about the energy not feeling comfortable to me.
I felt unwelcome by the energy, but I couldn’t put my finger on it.
Once we left the apartment and stood outside the building, we talked
about how beautiful the space was, how it was a great fit and how I felt it
needed to be cleansed of the negative energy and active spirit. Then suddenly,
I realized that I had left everything I was carrying in the apartment . . . my
bike helmet and my shoulder bag which had all valuables like my keys, wallet,
etc. That was very unlike me. I have never done that before and
thought to myself that whatever was in the apartment wanted to “mess with me”
since it was a big struggle to coordinate the entry back into the apartment to
retrieve my personal belongings. Fadi had to call the Property management
company in NYC who then tried to contact the on-site supervisor who wasn’t
answering his cell phone, etc . . .. It took about 30 minutes of waiting
outside in the hot sun to gain access. I felt the spirit was letting me
know she was in charge and that I was not welcome. Point well taken.
A week later, Fadi
had signed the paperwork and wanted me to come with him while he went to meet
his handyman in the apartment to show him where to hang some of the heavy
items, add shelving, etc. Once in the apartment I was respectful but
again suspicious of the energy there and started to walk around while Fadi and
his handyman talked. Within a few minutes I started to feel very dizzy as
if I was on a ship at sea. I felt so dizzy that I had to sit down on the
large window sill in the living room as they talked. This had never
happened before. During a break in their conversation, I asked Fadi if he
felt dizzy and he immediately said he did too. Once the handyman knew
what he needed to do, we all left the apartment. I staggered home still dizzy
and did a quick grounding meditation to clear it. The spirit in the
apartment again let me know that she was in charge and what she could do to
affect me. I regretted not “protecting myself” from her before entering
the apartment. I knew better but just forgot. Now I understood that
this spirit was definitely not happy with my intentions to eventually move her
on and that she could affect Fadi as well.
Now I really had to
come up with a cleansing plan for the apartment. She needed to go.
My plan was to cleanse the apartment the day before Fadi moved in and include
Fadi in that cleansing process since I feel it’s important for people to be
involved and claim their space.
I contacted two of
my psychic medium friends that I had been studying and practicing with at that
time and asked them if they wanted to come along to investigate and cleanse the
apartment with me. (Yes, like any skill, you must practice to get
better). I didn’t tell them much about what I knew so as not to affect
their own investigation. They both agreed to help. The plan I developed
was for us 3 mediums to sit and analyze the energy of the space, come up with a
specific cleansing ritual and then include Fadi at the end to really seal the
On the day before
Fadi moved into his new apartment, I assembled by team of psychic mediums
outside the apartment, took a moment to protect ourselves with a quick prayer
or meditation, then we entered the quiet and “empty” apartment together.
As soon as I entered the apartment, I “heard” in my mind the words . . . “get
out. . . this is my space!”. I smiled and told her in my mind that we
were here to help her. The other mediums immediately felt the presence of
the female spirit when they entered too.
My investigative
and cleansing approach is always with compassion first followed by firmness if
required. I’ve learned that must reluctant spirits typically just want to
tell their story, be listened to, and then get counseled or reasoned with . . .
it’s like peer level counseling that I’ve done with the living.
To begin our
investigation, I sat down in the living room with one of team members while
another walked around the apartment and settled in one of the bedrooms to sit
with the energy in the apartment and figure out what was going on first.
We each reached out and communicated with the spirit in our different ways to
listen and gather information.
Once I connected
with the spirit of the woman, I got that she had lived there in that apartment
or a nearby one in the 1930s or 1940s and dealt with a significant love loss
issue that adversely affected her. I got that she felt that she was not
understood when she was living, she was bit of a wild one back in her time but
very unhappy. She really wanted to be happy and loved but before she
passed, she was avoiding people (like a recluse), feeling scared and
anxious. She had taken up residence in Fadi’s new apartment and I knew
that her safe space was in the closet of the smaller bedroom.
I offered counsel
to the spirit by acknowledging the sorrow with loved loss and saying that it
was normal to feel that way. I offered kind words (through my thoughts)
of encouragement for the spirit to move on to her love ones that were waiting
for her “on the other side”. I told her that there were plenty of people
who loved her and were eager for her to join them. I felt that she was
not entirely convinced to leave yet.
Once each team
member had some time to connect with the spirit, we discussed a specific
cleansing ritual of smudging with a couple of sacred herbs: sage and palo
santo. We selected these two herbs to remove any residual energy left in
the apartment by people who have gone before and to make sure that we
ritualized the removal of the active energy or spirit in that space.
Residual energy can be strong emotional memories or events that have saturated
into the structure typically into the wood of the floors and walls.
People who are “sensitive” to these energies would typically be adversely
affected by these strong emotional energies that were lingering.
We lit the herb of
our choice and when the aromatic smoke started to rise, we each methodically
walked around the entire apartment at our own pace, cleansing each corner,
closet, window, etc. We each spoke our own words firmly encouraging the
active spirit to move on. She knew we meant business.
After our cleansing,
I texted Fadi to come over to ritualize the claiming of his space. Once
in the apartment, I asked Fadi to sit quietly with a small spray bottle of
water and say a cleansing prayer of over it. By doing this, he was
basically blessing the water himself to make it sacred. Then I instructed
him to walk around and spray every wall, window and closet with his holy water
to claim his space while saying “this is my space and no one else is welcome
here”. He did this with firmness and conviction in his voice.
This personal
ritual and intention allowed Fadi to take an active role in claiming his
space. This is a very powerful method to take control of one’s
After a couple of
hours, we were all done with our investigative and cleansing activities.
We then closed our sacred space and walked out of the apartment. The next
day Fadi moved in and a few days later I visited him to see if we had been
successful or not. Once in his apartment, I didn’t feel the spirit or the
negative energy. I didn’t feel dizzy. I felt a lighter and joyful
energy. Fadi mentioned that he hadn’t felt dizzy since moving in.
He felt comfortable and safe. I’m happy to report that we had
successfully cleansed the space and Fadi hasn’t had any problems or issues with
this spirit since. I still feel comfortable in his apartment over a year
For me, the goals
of “ghost hunting” or investigating the paranormal in someone’s home or
business are the following:
- respect the active spirit(s)
- determine what spirit(s) are present and understand their intentions
- help those spirit(s) move on
- educate the living about their own abilities or sensitivities to spirit and unseen energies as well as how to protect themselves going forward
Success is when unwarranted
active spirits and negative residual energies have been removed and people
living in their home are protected and no longer affected. My new blog
will be helping to educate people about all these paranormal issues and to help
them understand their own power and abilities within the unseen world
Wednesday, July 11, 2018
Reiki, Reiki...where for art thou Reiki
We felt a little more confident in our ability to fight after our visit to Aquarius. We learned so much in that short visit. It was like getting a degree in Metaphysical Research in 2 hours. However, we still needed that first piece of our paranormal war machine; we needed the Reiki. The Reiki was the key as we needed her to break the connection between the crazy woman and Heidi. Without her, nothing would go as planned and may get worse. Despite leaving a couple more of messages, we hadn't heard from her.
The other Reiki's we contacted didn't want anything to do with us after we dropped Amy's name. Funny how all the sudden they weren't as good as they claimed to be and seemed scared of their own shadow. I remember one Reiki telling us that this may be above the level of her abilities.
We started to do everything that was suggested to protect ourselves; burning incense, wearing the protection stones, salting, and praying. We did everything but sage cleanse because we didn't feel comfortable doing it until we were certain we could do it correctly. We had already seen what a blotched cleansing could do. We didn't want to go down that road again.
The activity started to pick up as we did more things. It had the feel of a final battle in a very long war. However, the activity didn't scare us as it had in the past. We knew who they were, what they wanted, and how they were going about their plans. Knowing all this gave us the advantage we needed.
Our main goal was to protect Heidi at all cost. We didn't leave her alone and no one, absolutely no one, was allowed in the back bedroom or the basement. I know this sounds crazy but we thought of those areas of the house as still belonging to them. Fighting them on their soil would result in strengthening them.
It seemed that everything was happening at once and things happened nearly day and night. It seemed that the crazy lady was the leader of the pack. She had brought in reinforcements from the path of dead walking in front of our house to help her.
"I am not leaving. You cannot make me leave, you are not strong enough." I heard her whisper in my ear one afternoon as I was cleaning the kitchen.
At this point, I knew I wasn't crazy. Amy helped me see that she was real and was torturing us. I started to answer back; out loud.
"I'm a hell of a lot stronger than I was bitch. Etta, I know who you are and what you want now. Also, I know how to get rid of you! You time here is almost over!" I think this was the first time I had intentionally talked out loud to her. I made sure I knew use her name in order to prove to her that I knew who she was. My voice was hard and stern. I wanted my message to her to be clear that I was done with her
After I said that, the kitchen felt heavy. A cabinet door next to me opened and slammed shut, the fluorescent light above the kitchen sink started to flicker. It began to burn bright white right before it exploded. Then I heard her scream out of frustration. I finally felt like I had power over her. I felt that I had an Ace in the Hole and that was the Reiki.
After this encounter I felt that I had the upper hand but the control was on shaky ground. Jennifer and I talked and decided that we wouldn't discuss the plan in the house. I felt if the crazy woman knew we were having trouble getting in touch with a Reiki, she was turn the tables on us. I had already spilled too much information to her in my earlier response and that concerned me. Going dark seemed like the best thing to do as it would keep her guessing.
The other activity was exhausting. We would hear heavy footsteps at all hours. Doors slowly opening and then slamming shut. The spoon was now going on daily adventures. When it returned, it was with harder force than before. It would slam so hard into walls that it would leave indents. One afternoon as Jennifer was sitting at our kitchen table, the spoon slammed into her glass of water, spilling the water and ice.
The most disturbing thing that was happening was the other voices and breathing sounds we heard. I knew the crazy lady had the ability to call upon others to help her. She was building an army and if we didn't do something quickly, we knew they would become too strong and we wouldn't be able to overcome it.
We needed a Reiki...and needed one fast.
The other Reiki's we contacted didn't want anything to do with us after we dropped Amy's name. Funny how all the sudden they weren't as good as they claimed to be and seemed scared of their own shadow. I remember one Reiki telling us that this may be above the level of her abilities.
We started to do everything that was suggested to protect ourselves; burning incense, wearing the protection stones, salting, and praying. We did everything but sage cleanse because we didn't feel comfortable doing it until we were certain we could do it correctly. We had already seen what a blotched cleansing could do. We didn't want to go down that road again.
The activity started to pick up as we did more things. It had the feel of a final battle in a very long war. However, the activity didn't scare us as it had in the past. We knew who they were, what they wanted, and how they were going about their plans. Knowing all this gave us the advantage we needed.
Our main goal was to protect Heidi at all cost. We didn't leave her alone and no one, absolutely no one, was allowed in the back bedroom or the basement. I know this sounds crazy but we thought of those areas of the house as still belonging to them. Fighting them on their soil would result in strengthening them.
It seemed that everything was happening at once and things happened nearly day and night. It seemed that the crazy lady was the leader of the pack. She had brought in reinforcements from the path of dead walking in front of our house to help her.
"I am not leaving. You cannot make me leave, you are not strong enough." I heard her whisper in my ear one afternoon as I was cleaning the kitchen.
At this point, I knew I wasn't crazy. Amy helped me see that she was real and was torturing us. I started to answer back; out loud.
"I'm a hell of a lot stronger than I was bitch. Etta, I know who you are and what you want now. Also, I know how to get rid of you! You time here is almost over!" I think this was the first time I had intentionally talked out loud to her. I made sure I knew use her name in order to prove to her that I knew who she was. My voice was hard and stern. I wanted my message to her to be clear that I was done with her
After I said that, the kitchen felt heavy. A cabinet door next to me opened and slammed shut, the fluorescent light above the kitchen sink started to flicker. It began to burn bright white right before it exploded. Then I heard her scream out of frustration. I finally felt like I had power over her. I felt that I had an Ace in the Hole and that was the Reiki.
After this encounter I felt that I had the upper hand but the control was on shaky ground. Jennifer and I talked and decided that we wouldn't discuss the plan in the house. I felt if the crazy woman knew we were having trouble getting in touch with a Reiki, she was turn the tables on us. I had already spilled too much information to her in my earlier response and that concerned me. Going dark seemed like the best thing to do as it would keep her guessing.
The other activity was exhausting. We would hear heavy footsteps at all hours. Doors slowly opening and then slamming shut. The spoon was now going on daily adventures. When it returned, it was with harder force than before. It would slam so hard into walls that it would leave indents. One afternoon as Jennifer was sitting at our kitchen table, the spoon slammed into her glass of water, spilling the water and ice.
The most disturbing thing that was happening was the other voices and breathing sounds we heard. I knew the crazy lady had the ability to call upon others to help her. She was building an army and if we didn't do something quickly, we knew they would become too strong and we wouldn't be able to overcome it.
We needed a Reiki...and needed one fast.
Saturday, June 30, 2018
And The Work Begins
We woke of the next morning following our reveal and got to work. Even though we were still somewhat reeling, we knew what needed to be done. We also understood the need for caution as we didn't want bring in anyone who would do more harm than good to our situation. We had to be careful because we were not allowed to talk about the show until it was closer to the air date, which we didn't have at the time. We could however, tell anyone we brought in to help us about what Amy had discovered and recommended but needed to be careful not to share too much about our show. Jennifer and I also decided we wouldn't share any part of the reveal with the girls. We felt that would just horrify them more than what they already were.
Our fist goal was to cut the ties that the crazy woman had with Heidi. Protecting her was our number one priority and we started with that back bedroom. We had already made that bedroom off limits but reinforced that after we saw that sketch of what Amy had seen there. We felt if we kept the girls out of there they would be much safer. We also kept our family policy that no one was allowed to be in the house alone. We stayed together as much as possible to give us that "strength in numbers" feel.
We started with the name of the Reiki Master that Amy had given Jennifer and left her a very simple message to give us a call. In the meantime, we started the search for a male medium. This proved difficult as you just don't pull up the yellow pages.
I forget how many we talked to but the list seems endless. They would all start out very confident in themselves and their abilities. However, once we mentioned Amy's name, their demeanor changed and their confidence clicked down a couple of notches. Suddenly our situation was real to them and they didn't want anything to do with it. This just gave us more confidence in Amy's ability and what she told us. It also was comforting knowing that having Amy come here was a validation of our experiences as well as helping us weed out the charlatans.
We were sort left to our own devices. We set out on self research; how to cleanse, protect ourselves, prayers, etc. This proved even harder as there is an over abundance of contradicting information available. Given the fact that we were novices at all this was frustrating.
The waiting for a return call from the Reiki was frustrating in itself because that was the most important piece to our puzzle. We had to start with that and if we couldn't, everything else would be lost. A day goes by, then a week without a return call. Jennifer calls again but no response. She starts to look for others and she finds a Reiki Master in our small town. She doesn't seemed spooked about what's happening to us but says that she cannot come out to our house. It's not because she's scared, it's because she just had a baby and cannot risk anything attaching to her which she would bring home to her family. I respected that because I wouldn't want anything to happen to anyone else. However, she can help everyone with the healing and removing the negative energy attached to us. She can also help Heidi with her PK. We just need to go to her. So, step one is semi-complete but we still need a Reiki to come to the house and cut ties between Heidi and the crazy woman.
The Reiki Master in town recommended we visit a Metaphysical store. After some quick research we decide to visit a local store in Kansas City called Aquarius. We stumbled awkwardly around the store, not know what to look for and not having the courage to talk to anyone. This was all so new to us and somewhat overwhelming. Finally, Jennifer worked up the nerve to talk to someone.
They listened intensely, asking questions, and taking notes. They believed us, they believed everything we said. They outlined a very simple plan for us: Protect yourselves and protect your current environment.
The education begins.
The staff at the store took it upon themselves to teach everything from A to Z about what to do and, more importantly, how to do it. As our comfort level builds, we start asking more and more questions. If they didn't know the answers, they would reference books.
As I begin to let my guard down and begin to trust them, I get an uncomfortable feeling that there are others with us. The store begins to feel more crowded and I can feel anxiety building in me. I do my best to control but could ignore the moment I felt a tug on the back of my pant leg. As I turned I see a little girl where a dirty white dress holding a rag doll. I jump forward and when I turn back, she was gone. I tell Jennifer I need to go outside and as I make my way to the door I hear voices begging for help.
I collect myself and go back inside. Jennifer was looking at some jewelry and I stand next to her. Without saying anything or making eye contact with me, the woman helping Jennifer at the counter hands me a black stone. Without hesitate or question, I take it from her. The voices stop and a wave of calmness overtakes me.
"Better?" she says as she looked at me.
"Yes, much better" I said as I rolled the stone in my hand.
"Carry that in your pocket while you're here. It will calm your anxiety and protect you." She told me.
I have to know what this stone is and I asked her, "what is this?"
"It's Black Tourmaline. It's a kind of all catch everything stone for protection. Think of it like a bug repellent that creates a shield around you." She said.
I told her I wanted to learn more about this and other stones. She told me she wasn't an expert but referred me to another person in the store who could help. So as Jennifer looks at protection jewelry, I start picking this guys brain about stones and crystals. What I learned was fascinating. I truly believe that everything admits some sort of energy; some good-some bad. I just needed to figure out which ones would benefit us the most. Thankfully with their help, I was able to do just that. Black Tourmaline, Labradorite, and Hematite for all of us was good start.
Going there was a blessing as we truly felt we had gained the necessary tools and confidence we needed. They did caution us to be careful and use them correctly. They told us to be patient as these things would take time and our situation wouldn't change overnight.
We left the store with nearly everything we needed and everything we needed to know. We had protections stones, sage, Frankincense and Myrrh, Pinion Pine, Psalm Book specifically for cleansing, candles, jewelry, and other books.
We had the weapons for the battle. We just needed to gather the warriors to help us. Having the tools for the fight doesn't do much good when you're not sure how to use them correctly. We also still had some much to learn.
Now, it's just a matter of waiting for return calls.
Our fist goal was to cut the ties that the crazy woman had with Heidi. Protecting her was our number one priority and we started with that back bedroom. We had already made that bedroom off limits but reinforced that after we saw that sketch of what Amy had seen there. We felt if we kept the girls out of there they would be much safer. We also kept our family policy that no one was allowed to be in the house alone. We stayed together as much as possible to give us that "strength in numbers" feel.
We started with the name of the Reiki Master that Amy had given Jennifer and left her a very simple message to give us a call. In the meantime, we started the search for a male medium. This proved difficult as you just don't pull up the yellow pages.
I forget how many we talked to but the list seems endless. They would all start out very confident in themselves and their abilities. However, once we mentioned Amy's name, their demeanor changed and their confidence clicked down a couple of notches. Suddenly our situation was real to them and they didn't want anything to do with it. This just gave us more confidence in Amy's ability and what she told us. It also was comforting knowing that having Amy come here was a validation of our experiences as well as helping us weed out the charlatans.
We were sort left to our own devices. We set out on self research; how to cleanse, protect ourselves, prayers, etc. This proved even harder as there is an over abundance of contradicting information available. Given the fact that we were novices at all this was frustrating.
The waiting for a return call from the Reiki was frustrating in itself because that was the most important piece to our puzzle. We had to start with that and if we couldn't, everything else would be lost. A day goes by, then a week without a return call. Jennifer calls again but no response. She starts to look for others and she finds a Reiki Master in our small town. She doesn't seemed spooked about what's happening to us but says that she cannot come out to our house. It's not because she's scared, it's because she just had a baby and cannot risk anything attaching to her which she would bring home to her family. I respected that because I wouldn't want anything to happen to anyone else. However, she can help everyone with the healing and removing the negative energy attached to us. She can also help Heidi with her PK. We just need to go to her. So, step one is semi-complete but we still need a Reiki to come to the house and cut ties between Heidi and the crazy woman.
The Reiki Master in town recommended we visit a Metaphysical store. After some quick research we decide to visit a local store in Kansas City called Aquarius. We stumbled awkwardly around the store, not know what to look for and not having the courage to talk to anyone. This was all so new to us and somewhat overwhelming. Finally, Jennifer worked up the nerve to talk to someone.
They listened intensely, asking questions, and taking notes. They believed us, they believed everything we said. They outlined a very simple plan for us: Protect yourselves and protect your current environment.
The education begins.
The staff at the store took it upon themselves to teach everything from A to Z about what to do and, more importantly, how to do it. As our comfort level builds, we start asking more and more questions. If they didn't know the answers, they would reference books.
As I begin to let my guard down and begin to trust them, I get an uncomfortable feeling that there are others with us. The store begins to feel more crowded and I can feel anxiety building in me. I do my best to control but could ignore the moment I felt a tug on the back of my pant leg. As I turned I see a little girl where a dirty white dress holding a rag doll. I jump forward and when I turn back, she was gone. I tell Jennifer I need to go outside and as I make my way to the door I hear voices begging for help.
I collect myself and go back inside. Jennifer was looking at some jewelry and I stand next to her. Without saying anything or making eye contact with me, the woman helping Jennifer at the counter hands me a black stone. Without hesitate or question, I take it from her. The voices stop and a wave of calmness overtakes me.
"Better?" she says as she looked at me.
"Yes, much better" I said as I rolled the stone in my hand.
"Carry that in your pocket while you're here. It will calm your anxiety and protect you." She told me.
I have to know what this stone is and I asked her, "what is this?"
"It's Black Tourmaline. It's a kind of all catch everything stone for protection. Think of it like a bug repellent that creates a shield around you." She said.
I told her I wanted to learn more about this and other stones. She told me she wasn't an expert but referred me to another person in the store who could help. So as Jennifer looks at protection jewelry, I start picking this guys brain about stones and crystals. What I learned was fascinating. I truly believe that everything admits some sort of energy; some good-some bad. I just needed to figure out which ones would benefit us the most. Thankfully with their help, I was able to do just that. Black Tourmaline, Labradorite, and Hematite for all of us was good start.
Going there was a blessing as we truly felt we had gained the necessary tools and confidence we needed. They did caution us to be careful and use them correctly. They told us to be patient as these things would take time and our situation wouldn't change overnight.
We left the store with nearly everything we needed and everything we needed to know. We had protections stones, sage, Frankincense and Myrrh, Pinion Pine, Psalm Book specifically for cleansing, candles, jewelry, and other books.
We had the weapons for the battle. We just needed to gather the warriors to help us. Having the tools for the fight doesn't do much good when you're not sure how to use them correctly. We also still had some much to learn.
Now, it's just a matter of waiting for return calls.
Sunday, June 24, 2018
Shock and Awe
After the reveal, Jennifer and I were reeling. We were overwhelmed by the results of Amy's findings. It was a parents worse nightmare, but now we knew the playing field was starting to level and tilt in our favor. We finally knew the "who, what, where, and how" of what had been torturing us for nearly 8 long years.
The crew was packing and finishing up. They were taking pictures of the house for episode clips as well as some promotional videos. They had the brightest lights I had ever seen pointed at the house. Our house was lite up so brightly that you could have seen it from space. They also had a fog machine that they added to the natural fog which was already there. It was a sight to see and I'm sure the people driving by took notice. Thankfully none stopped.
We spent some time talking to the crew, taking pictures, and saying our goodbyes. We also thanked them for everything they had done, as well as how they respected us while they were here. We didn't get an opportunity to take any pictures with Amy as it took us some time to collect ourselves after the reveal and she needed to leave. We did, however, get the opportunity to thank her for everything.
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The fog to the left of the house was natural fog from the pond. |
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Fog machine |
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Adding the fog machine |
We spent some time talking to the crew, taking pictures, and saying our goodbyes. We also thanked them for everything they had done, as well as how they respected us while they were here. We didn't get an opportunity to take any pictures with Amy as it took us some time to collect ourselves after the reveal and she needed to leave. We did, however, get the opportunity to thank her for everything.
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Emi, Steve, and Heidi |
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Jennifer and I with our producer Jeremy Cook |
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Emi, Rob Rosen, and Heidi |
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Steve and Chloe |
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Steve and I |
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Me, Ashley Laub, and Jennifer |
I felt somewhat relaxed in the house. I'm not sure the reasons, maybe it was a gain in self-confidence or stupid bravery due to the fact that we knew what was truly happening. The thought of finally having the upper hand was comforting to us. It recharged us and gave us strength. Best of all, it gave us hope.
Jennifer and I spent the next hour formulating a game plan. As we stood in the kitchen, I felt a cold breath of air on the back of neck. It was like someone with ice in their mouth breathed on me. I knew who it was but I didn't react as I no longer wanted her to think she still had influence over me. I could feel her breath getting heavy and then a whisper in my ear, "why?" Her tone was not as threatening as it was in the past. It lacked confidence and was sad. My only acknowledgment of her was to shoo her away as you would a fly. The table was starting to turn, she was weaker and I was stronger.
We decided to stay at the house that night. Crazy decision given what we had just heard but it was very late and we were physically and mentally exhausted. Also, the house seemed to have a different feel to it; it wasn't as threatening. I could sense that every entity that was there was in shock because they heard what Amy had to say too. Now they had no more secrets. They could no longer hide in the shadows. For the first time ever, I could sense they were scared and confused. That was a wonderful feeling.
We finally calmed down enough and got into bed around 5 AM. As we are just about to turn off the lights, the spoon comes flying through the kitchen, past the open bedroom, and hits the front door. Our reaction to it was indifferent because now the power was shifting to us.
The hard part was just beginning as the fight for control would start the next day. We finally had the knowledge but knowledge is not power, it's the ability to implement that knowledge that's power.
That would easier said than done.
Tuesday, June 19, 2018
Question From A Reader: "What do you think you have learned the most from your haunting."
We are starting to work our the aftermath blog entries; the things we did and experienced after the reveal. We have been working hard on reclaiming our home by making it ours. If you follow us on social media, you see what we've been doing. These efforts have taken away from writing time but we're starting to get back to it so stay tuned!
In the meantime, here's a question we got from a reader recently.
"What do you think you have learned the most from your haunting?"
Interesting question and one I'm sure I've been asked but probably didn't answer completely or knew how to answer at that particular moment.
For me, the answer is an evolving one. Not just that the answer is always gaining more substance; but I'm evolving.
I was in complete denial when we started having issues. I could not comprehend things beyond what I had already been taught. I'm no longer that way. I've gone from thinking, "that can't happen" to "that could happen."
I believe I've become more spiritual centered, calmer, and open to the possibility of anything. I don't look at the human race as the final step in spiritual evolution. I'm no longer that naive to think we are the center of everything and there's no other worlds beyond our own. Thinking that way is laughable to me now. People sometimes say to me, "Science hasn't proven the existence of that." My answer to them is "It's hasn't proven it doesn't exist either."
Since I've become this way, I've been much more relaxed and things that use to bother me no longer do so. I think it's because I am no longer confined to the conventional way of thinking and more to acceptance of the differences within my environment.
The thing that I can honesty say now is I'm no longer scared or freighted. I've learned to identify what's a threat and what isn't. Having that mentality allows me to take the necessary and appropriate action.
So, in a nutshell. I'm open, centered, and calmer than I've ever been. It's all thanks to our experiences and the understanding of them.
Thanks for the thought provoking question!
If you have a question, we encourage you to ask. Our goal in sharing our story continues to be to help those who are suffering and just need some courage to get the help they need. No one should suffer in silence.
In the meantime, here's a question we got from a reader recently.
"What do you think you have learned the most from your haunting?"
Interesting question and one I'm sure I've been asked but probably didn't answer completely or knew how to answer at that particular moment.
For me, the answer is an evolving one. Not just that the answer is always gaining more substance; but I'm evolving.
I was in complete denial when we started having issues. I could not comprehend things beyond what I had already been taught. I'm no longer that way. I've gone from thinking, "that can't happen" to "that could happen."
I believe I've become more spiritual centered, calmer, and open to the possibility of anything. I don't look at the human race as the final step in spiritual evolution. I'm no longer that naive to think we are the center of everything and there's no other worlds beyond our own. Thinking that way is laughable to me now. People sometimes say to me, "Science hasn't proven the existence of that." My answer to them is "It's hasn't proven it doesn't exist either."
Since I've become this way, I've been much more relaxed and things that use to bother me no longer do so. I think it's because I am no longer confined to the conventional way of thinking and more to acceptance of the differences within my environment.
The thing that I can honesty say now is I'm no longer scared or freighted. I've learned to identify what's a threat and what isn't. Having that mentality allows me to take the necessary and appropriate action.
So, in a nutshell. I'm open, centered, and calmer than I've ever been. It's all thanks to our experiences and the understanding of them.
Thanks for the thought provoking question!
If you have a question, we encourage you to ask. Our goal in sharing our story continues to be to help those who are suffering and just need some courage to get the help they need. No one should suffer in silence.
We've made it easier to submit questions too! Just Fill out the "Contact Us" Form on upper right.
If your question is for one of us in particular, please say who it's directed to. Also, we won't publish your name unless you specifically ask us to do so.
Sunday, June 17, 2018
Trapped: Kevin Platte Guest Blogger
Hello all,
We are working on the aftermath of our reveal blog entry, so stayed tuned. In the meantime this is the first installment in our guest blogger series. This entry is written by Kevin Platte, a psychic medium based out of Washington DC. You can follow Kevin on his Facebook page, Kevin Paul Psychic Medium and read his blog, Both Sides Of The Veil
Thank you all for your continue love and support.
Lance and Jennifer
I’m a psychic medium who investigates locations and then creates a plan to help clear and cleanse the space of unwanted residual and active (spirit) energies. I do this work by using compassion and understanding first, then firmness if there is any resistance by the active spirit(s). My philosophy is to communicate with the spirit(s) and understand their story and why they are still there. Besides investigating, I also enjoy doing private readings and teaching others how to use their abilities.
Joe’s house has 3
levels. I asked Joe to tell me what he has experienced on each
level. Joe explained that he had seen a misty type of black mist on the
ceiling and the wall a few times in the basement which is a beautiful
entertainment area with a full bar. On the main level of the house, he
(and a few others) had seen a black man in overalls. And on the 3rd or
top floor, people had seen small blue lights at night in room. Plus, the
lights in that room would be turn on by themselves sometimes.
We arrived at his house on a Friday night and I knew that I needed to start the investigation that evening. I felt the spirits wanted to tell their stories and I wanted to hear them. I knew this would be an interesting “walk” so my plan was to start in the basement and work my way up to the top level. Joe agreed to accompany me on this investigation to document what I was picking up. Once I opened myself up to spirit communication, I was ready to begin. Opening up for me means to quietly meditate to calm my energy which allows me to perceive and receive communication from spirit.
The Basement:
In the basement, I was able to pick up that the active energy was rather weak and timid. I got that this spirit was a male and tied to the land in agriculture in some way. I figured out that he liked to hide in the room with all the house electronics which was behind the bar. This location allowed him to pull some amount of energy which he used to materialize as a black mist to Joe that one time. He was so timid that I couldn’t really get his story. I felt that he was either unable or unwilling to leave the basement for some reason. I felt that this spirit was weak, harmless and a bit desperate. Interestingly enough, I discovered more about him on the next level.
We are working on the aftermath of our reveal blog entry, so stayed tuned. In the meantime this is the first installment in our guest blogger series. This entry is written by Kevin Platte, a psychic medium based out of Washington DC. You can follow Kevin on his Facebook page, Kevin Paul Psychic Medium and read his blog, Both Sides Of The Veil
Thank you all for your continue love and support.
Lance and Jennifer
I’m a psychic medium who investigates locations and then creates a plan to help clear and cleanse the space of unwanted residual and active (spirit) energies. I do this work by using compassion and understanding first, then firmness if there is any resistance by the active spirit(s). My philosophy is to communicate with the spirit(s) and understand their story and why they are still there. Besides investigating, I also enjoy doing private readings and teaching others how to use their abilities.
A friend of mine,
who I will call Joe, purchased a newly constructed house by a beautiful lake
which he used as his weekend getaway. Joe had confided in me that he had
seen spirits in his new house for many years and that it made him feel
uncomfortable. He didn’t know why they were there or what they
wanted. Joe told me that he has seen spirits since he was young, and he
didn’t really like seeing them, so he never engaged them. To me this
meant that Joe was a natural sensitive since he was able to see the dead; he is
basically a clairvoyant medium. Because of this, he is a “lighthouse” or
magnet for the dead who are either wandering around lost or looking for a safe
haven. These spirits would be drawn to him and his abilities typically to
seek help . . . but not always.
Joe invited me to
his lake house one weekend in September 2017 and ask if I would investigate
what was going on in his house. I agreed to make an assessment without
cleansing the house of spirits all in one visit since that would take a lot of
time and energy. I just wanted to understand the stories of the spirits
and find out why they were there and then communicate that to Joe. I was
basically just going to observe, listen and then come up with a plan to
“cleanse” the location at another time. The rest of the weekend would be
fun activities like going out on the lake in his boat with friends, swimming in
his pool, hot tubbing, etc.
We arrived at his house on a Friday night and I knew that I needed to start the investigation that evening. I felt the spirits wanted to tell their stories and I wanted to hear them. I knew this would be an interesting “walk” so my plan was to start in the basement and work my way up to the top level. Joe agreed to accompany me on this investigation to document what I was picking up. Once I opened myself up to spirit communication, I was ready to begin. Opening up for me means to quietly meditate to calm my energy which allows me to perceive and receive communication from spirit.
The Basement:
In the basement, I was able to pick up that the active energy was rather weak and timid. I got that this spirit was a male and tied to the land in agriculture in some way. I figured out that he liked to hide in the room with all the house electronics which was behind the bar. This location allowed him to pull some amount of energy which he used to materialize as a black mist to Joe that one time. He was so timid that I couldn’t really get his story. I felt that he was either unable or unwilling to leave the basement for some reason. I felt that this spirit was weak, harmless and a bit desperate. Interestingly enough, I discovered more about him on the next level.
The Main Floor:
On the main floor,
I decided to sit down at the dining room table. On that level, I knew the
spirit of a black man in overalls had been seen a few times, so I invited him
to tell me his story. Immediately, I felt a presence or pressure on my
left side like someone was leaning into me. I immediately got that this
spirit was from the early 1800s and had worked the land nearby. He had
been a slave. I was talking out-loud while I was receiving this
information so Joe was hearing it in real-time. Quickly, Joe interrupted
and ask me if I could get his name, and I immediately wrote down the name Jacob
then said it out-loud. It just popped into my head which for me means
that I’m receiving the information directly from the source. As soon as
I had done that, then Joe exclaimed that was the same name he got when he and a
few friends had used a Ouija board a few years back. OK, I thought now we
have confirmed the name, now let’s get the rest of the story. I was glad
to have confirmed his name, but I really wanted his story. So, I pressed
on. I asked Jacob why he was there and I got that he was taking revenge.
Then it all became clear to me. Jacob somehow trapped his slave owner’s
spirit in the basement and others on the top floor. He was taking revenge
and making them feel like prisoners. He was the warden and making others feel the
way he felt when he was alive. Jacob was a strong energy and patrolled
the house and grounds. Others had seen Jacob in and outside which means
he is a very strong spirit. This spirit was on a mission. I thanked
him and we moved on to the top floor.
The 2nd Floor:
After learning
what was going on in the house, I was curious what was upstairs. So
slowly we went upstairs. My impression was that the spirits were young,
more than one and they were hiding because Jacob had also entrapped them.
I felt that these young spirits were the children of the slave owner in the
basement. What better way to punish someone then to punish their children
as well? These young spirits were smart and mischievous and were able to
manipulate electricity by turning the lights on or off. They were able to
sneak around the house a little and were looking for help to get out of their
After the
investigation, we returned to the main floor and I told Joe that to cleanse his
house, all we had to do was convince Jacob to leave and the entrapped spirits
would quickly leave as well. They wouldn’t need any encouragement.
Once I retired to
my room, I wrote a few things down that I would reference on my next visit
which would be to cleanse the house. I constructed a few sentences that I
would use to convince Jacob to stop being the warden. I wrote as if I was
counseling him. I wrote that “forgiveness is very powerful, but it
doesn’t mean that you would have to forget what happened”. I also wrote
an appeal that I would use . . . “wouldn’t you rather be with your
loved ones instead of being in this house keeping these spirits in your
prison?” I finally wrote “that you have made your point and that those
spirits now understand what suffering really is.”
After my analysis
and writing, I went to bed only to wake up in the middle of the night by the
young spirits that had made their way down to my room and entered my dream
state to send me a message. While I was asleep and dreaming, they were
trying to use my vocal cords to tell me something. In my dream, I
remember asking some person in the room if they could understand what was
coming through my voice since I couldn’t make it out. This person said they
absolutely could understand but he didn’t tell me what it was. Needless
to say, I woke up in a pitch-dark room wondering what had just happened.
It took me a few minutes to gather my senses, figure out what had just happened
and then try to go back to sleep. This hadn’t happened before. I
couldn’t figure out what message they were trying to send me.
The next day, Joe
showed me around this new vacation housing development that he lived in, and
close by his house, we came upon a small area that had recently had a nice rustic
wooden fence installed. No surprise . . . it was a slave cemetery with
natural stones used as markers laid to mark where the head and the feet of the
body were placed in the ground. There were 20 or so adult and children
sized plots. I told Joe that Jacob and his family were buried there.
The rest of the
weekend was visiting with friends and enjoying the weekend. Many months
later as I planned a return to do the cleansing, Joe told me that since my
investigation, he nor any of his other friends who are somewhat sensitive to
these energies haven’t seen or felt anything. Then it dawned on me. The
time after my investigation in the bedroom of Joe’s house, I spent some quiet
time writing down and thinking about my plans and approach to cleansing the
house and how I would counsel Jacob to convince him to leave. Unknown to
me at that time, that process was indeed an unintentional cleansing
As I look back upon it, of course Jacob was present since he
basically patrolled that house and he therefore had heard my thoughts and
understood my intentions. He decided that yes, he would prefer to be with
his loved ones and that he was ready to move on. I also think I
understand that the message those young spirits were trying to give me during
my dream state was perhaps a big “thank you”. Once Jacob decided to leave
that night, they were free to move on as well. The house is now quiet,
and I encouraged Joe to seal his house and property so that no other spirits
wander by and try to take up residence.
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